Dear consumer!
Currently many residents of Almaty and Almaty region have electronic metering devices from Kazakhstani manufacturer "Sayman" plant.
The initial reading of a metering device must be recorded during commissioning of new metering device. This step is crucial for further calculations with energy supply company. Further, upon installation of new electric power metering device, you shall get an ACT, where meter's readings are specified at the moment of commissioning. Readings, specified in the ACT, shall correspond to actual readings on LCD screen (Display).
In relation to accuracy of recording, we officially inform that these electric power meters are in full compliance with standards GOST Р 52322-2005 p.7.1 and GOST Р 31819.21-2012 p.7.1 in relation to consumed voltage in power circuits. All parameters of produced meters undergo metrological calibration test in an accredited laboratory for compliance with standard ST RK ISO/IEC 17025-2007.
We are often requested to explain what reading on the display shall be recorded in a billing invoice. Such issue arises with single-phase electrical power meters "ORMAN" СО-Э711 ТХ Р PLC IP П RS or three-phase "DALA" СА4-Э720 ТХ Р PLC IP П RS manufactured by "Sayman".

How to take readings from an electronic electrical power meter?

Electronic electrical power meter are equipped with electronic display instead of mechanical disks and figures. In addition to consumed kilowatt it can display other data, for example, device operation time, date, etc. Readings change several times per minute. If the meter is multi-tariff, it alternately displays data for each tariff. You should wait for displaying required data for correct reading. The photo presents an example. All other meters have the similar procedure for taking readings.

Order of displaying of readings is explained in meter data sheet at page 8, paragraph 2.2.
If you have no meter data sheet, use the following instruction:
The following data are sequentially displayed every 5 seconds:
    1. Current date (year, month, date);
    2. Current time (hour, minute, second);
    3. Identification number (your meter has its own number, indicated on the front side of the meter and in the data sheet);
    4. Transfer number (your meter has its own number, indicated on the front side of the meter and in the data sheet):
      1. meters "ORMAN" СО-Э711 ТХ Р PLC IP П RS – 1600
      2. meters "DALA" СА4-Э720 ТХ Р PLC IP П RS – 800
      3. After transfer number the total consumption of the meter is displayed, that is needed for filling in a billing invoice.
    5. Total active power, in kilowatt-hours (example is provided), is the total reading of power consumed. These figures are used for calculation. If the meter is multi-tariff, it alternately displays data for each tariff: Т1, Т2.
GENERAL data* are taken into account for payment for electrical power since March 01, 2018. Please wait for figures in TOTAL category for correct filling in a billing invoice.

TOTAL is placed in the top left corner of the display, kWh is placed in the bottom left corner.

Total consumption amounts to 82.52 kWh (as presented in this photo).

If you do not record readings from the first time, all required data will be displayed in a few seconds in the same sequence!
Calculation of the payment amount for consumed electrical power is made on the basis of number of residents and tariff depending on consumption rates. Detailed information on tariffs is provided here. You may get consultation for calculation of electrical power consumption:
in any office of AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP (DO),
by calling to 24-hour Contact center by phone numbers: +7 (727) 356-99-99; 399-99-00.

* in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On introduction of amendments into some regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan on power industry issues" No.89-VI dated July 11, 2017, Order of acting Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On introduction of amendments into some orders of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation of Natural Monopolies" No.455 dated December 29, 2017 and the letter of Almaty Department of the Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition under the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 07-25/459 dated 13.02.2018 - differentiation of tariffs for electrical power by day parts is canceled for all categories of consumers (individuals and legal entities).

Note for metering device reading Note for metering device reading

Dear consumer!
Currently many residents of Almaty and Almaty region have electronic metering devices from Kazakhstani manufacturer "Sayman" plant.
The initial reading of a metering device must be recorded during commissioning of new metering device. This step is crucial for further calculations with energy supply company. Further, upon installation of new electric power metering device, you shall get an ACT, where meter's readings are specified at the moment of commissioning. Readings, specified in the ACT, shall correspond to actual readings on LCD screen (Display).
In relation to accuracy of recording, we officially inform that these electric power meters are in full compliance with standards GOST Р 52322-2005 p.7.1 and GOST Р 31819.21-2012 p.7.1 in relation to consumed voltage in power circuits. All parameters of produced meters undergo metrological calibration test in an accredited laboratory for compliance with standard ST RK ISO/IEC 17025-2007.
We are often requested to explain what reading on the display shall be recorded in a billing invoice. Such issue arises with single-phase electrical power meters "ORMAN" СО-Э711 ТХ Р PLC IP П RS or three-phase "DALA" СА4-Э720 ТХ Р PLC IP П RS manufactured by "Sayman".

How to take readings from an electronic electrical power meter?

Electronic electrical power meter are equipped with electronic display instead of mechanical disks and figures. In addition to consumed kilowatt it can display other data, for example, device operation time, date, etc. Readings change several times per minute. If the meter is multi-tariff, it alternately displays data for each tariff. You should wait for displaying required data for correct reading. The photo presents an example. All other meters have the similar procedure for taking readings.

Order of displaying of readings is explained in meter data sheet at page 8, paragraph 2.2.
If you have no meter data sheet, use the following instruction:
The following data are sequentially displayed every 5 seconds:
    1. Current date (year, month, date);
    2. Current time (hour, minute, second);
    3. Identification number (your meter has its own number, indicated on the front side of the meter and in the data sheet);
    4. Transfer number (your meter has its own number, indicated on the front side of the meter and in the data sheet):
      1. meters "ORMAN" СО-Э711 ТХ Р PLC IP П RS – 1600
      2. meters "DALA" СА4-Э720 ТХ Р PLC IP П RS – 800
      3. After transfer number the total consumption of the meter is displayed, that is needed for filling in a billing invoice.
    5. Total active power, in kilowatt-hours (example is provided), is the total reading of power consumed. These figures are used for calculation. If the meter is multi-tariff, it alternately displays data for each tariff: Т1, Т2.
GENERAL data* are taken into account for payment for electrical power since March 01, 2018. Please wait for figures in TOTAL category for correct filling in a billing invoice.

TOTAL is placed in the top left corner of the display, kWh is placed in the bottom left corner.

Total consumption amounts to 82.52 kWh (as presented in this photo).

If you do not record readings from the first time, all required data will be displayed in a few seconds in the same sequence!
Calculation of the payment amount for consumed electrical power is made on the basis of number of residents and tariff depending on consumption rates. Detailed information on tariffs is provided here. You may get consultation for calculation of electrical power consumption:
in any office of AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP (DO),
by calling to 24-hour Contact center by phone numbers: +7 (727) 356-99-99; 399-99-00.

* in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On introduction of amendments into some regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan on power industry issues" No.89-VI dated July 11, 2017, Order of acting Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On introduction of amendments into some orders of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation of Natural Monopolies" No.455 dated December 29, 2017 and the letter of Almaty Department of the Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition under the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 07-25/459 dated 13.02.2018 - differentiation of tariffs for electrical power by day parts is canceled for all categories of consumers (individuals and legal entities).

Note for metering device reading Note for metering device reading